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A note for history

The book on Ziyaret Tepe, where archeological excavations shedding light on Assyrian history

have been supported by Tekfen Foundation for many years, has finally been published. A summa-

ry of this archaeological work that continued for 18 years,

Ziyaret Tepe – Exploring the Anatolian

Frontier of the Assyrian Empire

also demonstrates the cultural richness of these lands.

Tušhan (today known as Ziyaret Tepe)

was one of the provincial centers in the

Tigris region of the Assyrian Empire, which

ruled over Mesopotamia in history. Excava-

tions in Tušhan continued for 18 years and

were completed in 2014. Ziyaret Tepe will

be inundated once the construction of the

Ilısu Dam is finished, and the digs brought

to light a treasure trove of new information

regarding the Assyrian civilization. Follow-

ing the excavations, preparations began for

a book that will present this material to

the scientific community as well as history

fans. After a long and detailed work,


yaret Tepe - Exploring the Anatolian Frontier

of the Assyrian Empire

has been published

recently with the support of Tekfen Foun-


The book summarizes the excavation

work carried out at the site while also pre-

senting a myriad of previously unknown

details regarding the Assyrian civilization.

The book tells of the daily life in Tušhan,

the components of an excavation from A

to Z and their story, accompanied by hun-

dreds of photographs and texts by archae-

ologists expert in the field.

Only a small portion of the thousands

of excavated material can be exhibited at

the Diyarbakır Museum, which has made

the book even more important as it will

bring the project to a much larger audience

and even get them to enjoy archaeology.

The book launch and press conference was

held at Soho House on Thursday, March 16,

hosted by Dr. John MacGinnis (Cambridge

University) and Professor Kemalettin

Köroğlu (Marmara University), two of the

directors of the Ziyaret Tepe excavations

and authors of the book, and Dori Kiss Ka-

lafat, Tekfen Foundation Board Member.

This newsletter is a pull-out summary of

Tekfen Group Companies Bulletin No.37



Editor’s note

The year was off to a fast start, and once again

we cover numerous, colourful topics.

We have a special company that has been wait-

ing its turn for a “visit” for a very long time: GAT.

The construction machines that have served

in the ice-covered steppes of Eurasia or in the

broiling deserts of Saudi Arabia, never once leav-

ing our workers on their own, undergo “rehab”

at GAT. In this issue, we talked to the amazing

team at GAT, and they told us their story.

I made note of two things concerning our arti-

cle that covered Toros Agri’s “Lean Production”

drive, one of which was that “leanness” is of pri-

mary importance in every area, and the other

was that, as in every system, the key to success

in Lean Production is believing in oneself and

doing everything accordingly. I wish Toros Ag-

ri success on this journey it has embarked upon

with great excitement.

New is good. Tekfen Construction will roll out

a new and important system this year. It’s the

performance-based rewards system or “bonus”

for short. We held our microphones to Tekfen

Construction President Levent Kafkaslı and HR

Manager Gülhiz İleri. We received clear answers

to questions that are on people’s minds. In this

new system, the company will make the em-

ployee win and the employee will let the compa-

ny win in return, and keeping the system alive

will depend to a large extend on how much we

embrace it with mutual respect.


Dori Kiss Kalafat

Corporate Communications

Director, Group of Companies