Donations Policy
Tekfen understands that it is an integral part of its environment and the communities where it is active. It recognizes its obligation to contribute to the development of society and protect the environment by strengthening its ties with the community and adhering to the principle of sustainability in its sensitive use of natural resources.
Tekfen conducts joint projects for the public good with various civil and public institutions. In this way, it supports the improvement of the social and environmental conditions in the locations of its operations. Tekfen's institutional social responsibility projects, be they under Tekfen Group companies or Tekfen Holding, are conducted under the auspices of the Tekfen Foundation.
Tekfen makes donations in cash and in kind (in compliance with the Turkish Commercial Code, the Capital Market Law and their regulations) to various agencies, institutions and organizations. The form and amount of the donations and the organization to which it will be given is governed by Tekfen's corporate social responsibility policies.
Donations and assistance valued at TL500,000 or more require the approval of the Board of Directors of the donating Company.
Information about how much is donated and to whom in any particular year is provided to shareholders at the Ordinary General Assembly meeting held for that year. Donations made are added to the profit figures when determining the amount of the 1st Dividend for the year in which they were made.