Expo Turkey by Qatar, the first internation-
al fair organized jointly by Turkey and Qatar,
was held in Doha, Qatar’s capital, between April
18 and 20, 2017. Tekfen Holding was strongly
represented at the fair, which aimed to further
cooperation and improve business ties between
the two countries. Murat Gigin, Chairman of
the Board of Tekfen Holding, Osman Birgili,
President of Tekfen Group Companies, and
Zeynep Akdilli Oral and Hakan Göral, Holding
Vice Presidents, were present in Qatar. At the
fair, Tekfen Holding was represented in all its
core businesses – Contracts, Agroindustry, and
Real Estate Development.
Tekfen’s senior management had a busy
agenda in Qatar, which was not limited to
contacts at the fair. Osman Birgili, President
of Tekfen Group Companies, was one of the
speakers at a session of the Turkish-Qatari
Business Leaders Summit. The session was
moderated by Şeref Oğuz, the economy editor
of the Turkish daily Sabah, where Birgili an-
nounced they were considering various invest-
ment opportunities in Qatar, and gave some
pointers for corporations and entrepreneurs
planning to enter the Qatar market. Birgili said
Qatar was a country tight on rules and regula-
tions but warm towards investors.
Tekfen’s management team also came to-
gether with columnists who were in Qatar on
account of the fair. On a tour of the North
Road with reporters, Tekfen’s top executives
shared information concerning Tekfen’s proj-
ects in Qatar and its plans for the future.
In recognition of its strong presence and
successful projects in the country, Tekfen
Holding received the “Business of the Year”
award at Qatar Expo, the most prestigious
award of the organization. Murat Gigin re-
ceived the award at the ceremony.
Tekfen’s senior management was in Qatar between April 18 and 20, attending the Expo Turkey by
Qatar, a fair that aims to enhance trade between Turkey and Qatar. Tekfen Construction was one of the
Golden Sponsors of the fair, where Tekfen was bestowed the “Business of the Year” award, the highest
award of the Qatar Expo.
Tekfen at
Expo Turkey
by Qatar
Since 2005, Tekfen Construction
has reached a business volume of
2.4 billion dollars in seven different
projects in Qatar – the Ras Laffan-
Mesaieed Ethane Gas Pipeline,
the Umm Bab-Mesaieed Crude Oil
Pipeline, the QAPCO Low Density
Polyethylene Plant (LDPE3), the
Qatar North Road Phase 2 and 3,
the Ceremonial National Day Road,
the Qatar North Road’s Additional
Works, and the Qatar North Ex-
pressway Byroads and Additional
Aiming to further bolster the on-
going positive relations between
Turkey and Qatar both politically
and economically, Tekfen contin-
ues to take part in the most presti-
gious projects in the country such
as the Al Khor Expressway, and the
Al Thumama Stadium, which it will
built as Tekfen-Al Jaber Engineering
Joint Venture. With the addition of
these projects, Tekfen’s total busi-
ness volume in Qatar will reach 4.7
billion dollars.
School sponsored by Tekfen Manufacturing wins robot competition
Tekfen Manufacturing and Engineering, Inc. (TİMAŞ) is proud of the results
of the support it has given to a vocational highschool in its neighbourhood in
İzmit Its students have won the 11th International Robot Competition orga-
nized by the Ministry of Education in Konya between May 10 and 12 in the
“Themed Robot” category.
As many as 3,240 students and teachers along with 2,834 robots from 391
schools (high school and college level) from 13 countries participated in the
competition, which was held in 12 different categories. The most important cat-
egory was the “Themed Robot,” where two autonomous robots tried to complete
a set race course carrying out predetermined missions and movements with the
least number of mistakes in the shortest time. “Tekfen,” the robot built by stu-
dents of İzmit Atatürk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School won the
competition. Following the event, school administrators and students visited
the Tekfen Manufacturing plant with their robots to express their gratitude and
share their happiness.