In the Global Risk Report published by the World Economic Forum, environmental risks started to come into prominence.

In the Global Risk Report published by the World Economic Forum, environmental risks started to come into prominence.

It is seen that the most highly global risks to occur in ten years are extreme weather events, climate action failure, natural disasters, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem destruction, and human-made environmental disasters. In today's world, where environmental risks are increasing day by day, everyone, especially public and private organizations, has important responsibilities.

Tekfen Holding became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact in 2018 in line with its sustainability vision. Within this framework, Tekfen Group aims to increase the measures to minimise the environmental impact of its activities, to create a sustainable production and consumption program in its business processes, to carry out studies that will increase the awareness of its stakeholders about potential environmental risks and commits to share the benefits of using clean technologies with its stakeholders by choosing more environmentally friendly technologies.

In the Global Risk Report published by the World Economic Forum, environmental risks started to come into prominence.

Tekfen Group companies have taken the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standard as their guide when dealing with environmental issues. Environmental management systems have been implemented in compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 at Tekfen Construction’s head offices and all project worksites and workplaces, at Tekfen Manufacturing’s head offices and Derince Plant, and at Toros Agri’s head offices and Mersin, Samsun, and Ceyhan Production Facilities.

Climate Crisis Management

The environmental, social, and economic impacts of the climate crisis are worsening with each passing day globally. Combating the climate crisis requires scientific planning and roadmaps. Tekfen Holding closely monitors the increasing effects of climate change on the environment, society and economy and integrates this approach into its business strategies within the framework of risk and opportunity management.

The primary focus of Tekfen Holding’s climate crisis management is its activities with chemicals which also cover the fertilizer industry and its contracting activities, which also cover the oil and natural gas industries. The Engineering and Contracting Group and the Chemistry Group, which have the largest shares in Tekfen Holding’s turnover, operate in industries vulnerable to the effects of climate change, which poses significant risks and opportunities for both fields of activity. Tekfen Holding reviews regularly its climate and water risks and opportunities.

Tekfen Group Companies take different steps to manage climate risks and seize opportunities. Detailed information on Tekfen Holding's climate-related issues can be found in the CDP Climate Reports.

Climate Crisis Management
Water Management

The depletion of clean water resources has negative social, economic, and environmental effects. The increasing demand for water and food resources due to the growing population affects many industries, including agriculture. Inefficient use of water resources and excessive water withdrawal cause freshwater ecosystems to deteriorate. Tekfen Group Companies work to identify risks and opportunities related to water, manage water correctly, and reduce their water footprint.

Tekfen has set out its water management principles and commitments in the Tekfen Water Policy, which it has announced to its employees and to all other stakeholders. WATER Policy

Tekfen Holding shares detailed information on its water management strategy, risks and opportunities, and management methods in the CDP Water Security Reports.

Water Management

Biodiversity is an essential component for the continuity of life on earth. The increase in consumption due to the rapidly increasing world population has become more threatening to biodiversity nowadays.

Operating in industries that impact biodiversity, such as construction and agriculture, Tekfen Group is committed to taking the necessary measures to protect the ecosystem and species during its operations in line with its Biodiversity Policy. Management of the biodiversity risk is based on the Biodiversity Action Plan, the Ecology Management Plan, and the Environmental Impact Assessment Reports. To that end, the Group carries out activities such as wildlife observation and protection practices, relocation of species found in project areas to similar habitats, and rehabilitation.

Tekfen has defined its biodiversity principles and commitments in the Tekfen Biodiversity Policy and announced it to employees and third parties. BIODIVERSITY Policy
